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RX7、BX8 series of sliding rheostat
This product is suitable for AC 50HZ, voltage to 380V and 400V DC voltage circuit, mainly be used as a correction of electrical instruments, a variable resistor of changing voltage, current and replacing undetermined resistance at electrical machinery design stage;a voltage, current regulator in lab's experiment teaching demonstration, a magnetization of DC electromotor and power generation equipment, and a high speed resistance.
BX7 series slide wire resistor main technical data
1, the sliding resistor resistance error margin is less than the standard value of ± 10%.
2, slide wire resistor insulation shall withstand 2850 V AC 50 Hz voltage test, lasted 1 minutes, without breakdown or flashover phenomenon.
3, BX7 series slide wire resistor works at temperature of +20 ℃ ± 5 ℃ and relative temperature is 60-70%, not lower than 10000000000000 ohms.